GCSE Biology – Homeostasis And Nervous System

GCSE Homeostasis revision can be done effectively by learning the definitions presented on this page along with using the practice worksheets provided. From the human nervous system, to controlling body temperature and negative feedback, there is a lot to learn as part of the homeostasis and response topic. With our revision materials we will make your GCSE Biology revision a lot easier!

Homeostasis And Nervous System Revision

What do I need to know about contraception as part of my GCSE Biology course?

– You need to know the different types of contraception and how the hormones in the contraceptive pill work.

What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

– Type 1 diabetes is usually linked to genetic factors and is early onset. Type 2 diabetes usually develops later in life and is often caused by lifestyle factors such as diet.

What does homeostasis mean?

– It is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. Temperature, ion levels, water and blood glucose levels are kept constant as are urea and carbon dioxide which are the two waste products we remove.

What are the hormones involved in human reproduction?

– For your GCSE Biology exams you need to know about oestrogen, testosterone, progesterone, LH and FSH.

What is the human endocrine system?

– A series of glands in the human body that produce hormones that control metabolism.

Do I need to know each stage of the reflex arc?

– Yes the reflex arc is commonly examined in the GCSE biology papers, especially for OCR, Edexcel and AQA exam boards.

Can you explain negative feedback?

– It is the turning off of a corrective measure as the system returns to normal. So for instance, if you are too warm you sweat, this cools you down which in turn stops you from sweating so this is an example of a negative feedback loop.

What is auxin and what does it do?

– Auxin is a plant hormone that is involved in controlling a plants response to light and gravity. These responses are called tropisms.

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– GCSE Biology Exam Questions By Topic