New Year, New Revision Routine

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MME Team 4 January 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As everyone goes back to school it is a time that students start to think about new revision routines, especially those getting ready to sit their GCSE’s and A Levels which are only a few months away.

If you are looking to devise a new revision routine, here are the Maths Made Easy top tips for an effective revision timetable and routine.

  1. Organise your time effectively – This sounds quite vague but what we mean is you need to organise your time so that you dedicate a set amount of hours each day/week to your revision. Making revision part of your daily routine helps you to stick to it and it is much easier to motivate yourself if revision is just something that has to happen every day. Like all routines it can take up to 4 weeks to master it to the point where it is just part of everyday life.
  2. Make a revision timetable – Whether your favourite work to complete is GCSE Maths revision or you have a passion for English, you need to make sure that the time spent revising each subject is proportionate to its importance and how much you need to do. So at GCSE level there is no dispute that Maths and English are the two most important subjects as these are what employers look at and what you need to pass in order to progress with further education. At A Level you may have a condition offer for University that requires higher grades in a specific subject or you may think you have a better chance of getting a certain grade in a given subject. Therefore it is good to know which subjects are at the top of your priority list prior to revising but ultimately no subject should be neglected and you should make time to revise them all, even GCSE French! At Maths Made Easy you can access a GCSE Revision Time Table and A Level Revision Timetable by our login system.
  3. Set realistic goals – Too many students decide they want to revise 4 hours a night or complete 50 past papers in a week and set themselves unobtainable goals. Make your revision goals realistic and you will feel much better when you achieve them and this will also help you to keep motivated for the next goal.
  4. Quality over quantity – Yes you have to set aside some time for your revision but simply sat down at a desk for 3 hours doesn’t count as effective revision if you have facebook and music on in the background. Make sure the revision you do has a purpose, so you want to complete a certain set of sections within a given revision period, or make notes on a certain amount of pages. Make sure your revision is quality by setting targets for each session, don’t just set a timer and read your notes as this will have a limited impact.
  5. Questions, questions and more questions – Our team has years of teaching and tuition experience and one of the biggest things we all agree is that most students don’t practice enough questions; they spend too long making notes and not actually learning them. Yes make condensed notes to help you understand a topic and then quickly move onto questions to test that knowledge. At Maths Made Easy you can practice anything from GCSE Maths past papers to A Level Biology revision questions.

Good Luck Revising![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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MME Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.