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MME Team 23 June 2021

QTLS Introduction

QTLS is something that many people look to achieve as it is professional status that is recognised by education providers nationwide and enables prospective teachers to work in schools. The purpose of QTLS is to demonstrate progression and excellence within the further education and skills sector and having QTLS status enhances employment prospects within this sector. People also achieve QTLS in order to teach in schools as well as colleges as an alternative route to other more traditional QTS routes. 



Is QTLS the same as QTS? 

Qualified Teacher and Learning Skills (QTLS) is equivalent to QTS, so although they are different education providers, schools and institutions often treat them the same in terms of eligibility to teach. 

How do I achieve QTLS?

You need to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria initially before applying. The main qualifications required being level 2’s in maths and English. This means you need either a GCSE grade C (level 4 in the new grading system) or a functional skills qualification. MME is a leading provider of maths and English level 2 qualifications and can help you to pass these exams and progress with your QTLS application. 

Can you teach in schools with QTLS?

Yes you can teach in schools with QTLS as long as your membership to the SET register is active (see the next FAQ for more information on SET). 

What steps do I need to take in order to achieve QTLS? 

You need to register with the Society for Education and Training (SET) in order to gain and maintain your QTLS status and teach within schools. You don’t need to hold a degree but a level 5 teacher training qualification. 

How much does QTLS cost?

The one off fee for the initial application is £490. In order to get the level 2 qualifications required for the application, these will cost around £225 per qualification. 

Will my international qualification be accepted? 

Your qualifications will need to be a level 2 equivalent as recognised by a UK ENIC statement (formally NARIC) confirming your qualifications are equivalent to UK Level 2.

Apply for a UK ENIC here. 

Can I teach in Wales with QTLS?

Yes a QTLS is recognised in Wales but not required. Instead you will need to complete a professional certificate education teaching course to be able to teach within post secondary education. 

Find more information on teaching in Wales here

Can I teach in other countries with QTLS?

Yes, you can teach aboard with QTLS in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. In some Asian countries such as Thailand you don’t require any teaching qualification in order to teach as long as you hold a good degree from a recognised University. 


Help and Support

There are many things to consider when applying to gain QTLS status, from time commitments to cost and professional qualification requirements. At MME we are here to help with all things QTLS but more specifically helping people to gain the level 2 qualifications in maths and English that are needed to apply for QTLS. 

Call us today on 020 3633 5145 for more information. 

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MME Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.